Christmas Toy Appeal for The Reinvention: Triumph over Injury

Amey Southwest Trunk Roads participate in Christmas toy appeal for post-injury care organisation, The Reinvention: Triumph over Injury.

In December 2021, Amey South-West Trunk Roads was invited to participate in a Christmas toy appeal by Angela McShane from The Reinvention: Triumph over Injury. The Reinvention is a community which aims to provide support, advice and assistance to those who have experienced life-changing injuries, as well as for families and friends of those coming to terms with life post-injury. Angela has also previously worked alongside Amey's Strategic Road Safety Team.

Amey's Scotland Regional Hub donated £500 towards the appeal to spread some Christmas cheer among victims of life-changing road traffic incidents at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow. A further appeal provided Christmas gifts to children within NHS Tayside Ninewells Hospital. 

Angela and the Amey team went on a shopping trip to select toys, using the donated funds, for the patients at QEUH and were aided by helpful elves from the TRISS team to deliver the gifts to Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity HQ. 

A huge thank you to everyone involved!


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