Clark's Little Ark | Community Fund

Amey South-West Trunk Roads Community Fund

Each quarter, the Amey South-West Network Maintenance Contract allocates funds to support local causes along our road network with Amey employees nominating those who need donations for a particular event, supplies, or initiatives. One of the causes selected this quarter was Clark’s Little Ark in Sanquhar on the A76, who received £300.  

Clark’s Little Ark was founded in 2013 by Alison and Ian Shankly following the tragic death of their young son Clark. Finding that their small menagerie made the local community smile, they decided to expand and turn a small plot of land into the busy farm that it is today. 

Once home to only one pony and two donkeys, Clark’s Little Ark is now home to a whole host of animals, including donkeys: Dotty, Seamus, Jack and Paddy, Percy Pig, and Billy Bullock! The Ark is solely reliant on donations to care for the animals and our donation will go towards hay feed and veterinary bills.  

Clark’s Little Ark is free to visit, with visitors being able to roam the farm as they please and pet the animals, provided they adhere to the safety notices found on each pen. In exchange for a small donation, visitors can also take home some eggs or firewood. There are also a number of volunteer days throughout the year where members of the public can help with animal care and general farm maintenance. Members from our Engagement Team visited and had the opportunity to feed Fudge the Sheep and pet Valerie the Guinea Pig.  

You can find out more about Clark’s Little Ark and how to donate here: