M8 Woodside Viaducts: Abercorn Secondary School STEM Visit

Abercorn Secondary School STEM Visit

On Friday 7th June 2024 our colleagues, Risk Manager Nicolle Agnew and Media and Communications Officer Alisha McKinlay visited Abercorn Secondary School, local to the M8 Woodside Viaducts project. They were joined by Civil Engineer Idriss Tregarot, from our subcontractor, Freyssinet to deliver a STEM session. This session began with a short presentation explaining the job role of each team member before providing the pupils with greater insight into the M8 Woodside Viaducts project. 

The pupils learned about structure types including what type of structure the M8 Woodside Viaducts bridge is and how this compares to others across Scotland. This led onto a bridge building activity in which the children divided into two groups. Each group had a set of K’nex and were tasked with deciding a group name to work as a team and build a truss bridge. 

The activity saw ‘Abercorn Engineering’ and ‘Cowcaddens Construction’ taking different approaches to building their bridges but achieving the same result with each bridge strong enough to support a mobile phone. 


The pupils enjoyed the STEM session and the challenges it presented. We received great engagement and feedback from the school. Technologies and Business teacher, Mrs Bennett said: “Our mix of pupils thoroughly enjoyed the STEM challenge run by AMEY. Pupils were able to make links to the type of jobs that are required to complete road projects. The activity was fun and engaging and allowed for team working skills to be developed.” 

“I liked trying to figure out how to build the bridge, when a section was missing I asked for help from my team.” - Sarah.  

“I enjoy using my hands to build. I want to do this type of challenge again.”  - Taylor.  

“It was interesting to listen to what the AMEY contractors do to help fix the M8 bridge.” - Giovanna