St Paul's Youth Forum Donation

St Paul's Youth Forum

St Paul’s Youth Forum Donation 

Each quarter, the Amey South-West Network Maintenance Contract allocates funds to support local causes along our road network with Amey employees nominating those who need donations for a particular event, supplies, or initiatives. One of the causes picked this quarter was St Paul's Youth Forum, who received £316. 

St Paul's Youth Forum helps keep families in the Blackhill and Provanmill area fed by offering community meals and a community larder, where struggling locals can attend and choose supplies for their families.  

The forum also offers holiday clubs for all ages during school holidays, which provide a hot meal for the kids, some of which would usually go without. During the holiday clubs, the kids interact with the group’s onsite chickens and help to clear out their pens or collect their eggs for the kitchen. The initiative encourages learning in how to plant, grow, and pick fruit and vegetables.  


The youth workers work extremely hard to engage with the locals offering them nightly drop-in clubs where they can play computer games, pool, and even host a radio show with their friends. 

Blackhill On Bikes forms part of the Forum, encouraging the community to make use of active travel. They offer maintenance drop-in sessions where locals can learn how to repair and maintain their bikes as well as restoring donated bikes that can be re-gifted to local families. They host sessions at  

the local primary and high schools in putting a class together to teach younger kids how to ride their bikes safely.  


Find out more about St Paul’s Youth Forum here: