The Brightest Star

Community Fund Donation to The Brightest Star

The Brightest Star  

Each quarter, Amey South-West Trunk Roads allocate funds to support local causes across our road network with employees nominating those who need donations for a particular event, supplies, or initiatives. One of the Community Fund causes chosen this quarter was The Brightest Star Charity, who received £1,250 to support their vital work.  

Nominated by Amey’s George Robertson, the Brightest Star supports bereaved families and was founded in memory of Jack Kennedy who suddenly passed away six days before his 6th birthday from an Adenal  virus (cold and flu) that attacked his heart.  When Jack fell ill, there were no beds available in Intensive Care at Yorkhill Childrens Hospital, so he had to be transferred to Edinburgh’s Sick Kids hospital. Due to the amount of equipment and three paramedics required at the scene, there was

not enough space for Jack’s parents to travel in the ambulance beside him. This was over an hour and half that they couldn’t spend with their son in his final hours.   

After many years of fundraising, in 2018, the Brightest Star funded a family ambulance that can accommodate parents with enough space for the paramedics and their equipment. This ambulance cost £160,000 and covers the West of Glasgow. The Ambulance service have since funded two further vehicles for the North & East of Scotland.  

The charity also provides bereavement support to families and have their own dedicated centre called

Hulk’s Haven Retreat.  Finally, the Brightest Star offers Paediatric Emergency First Aid Courses to anyone who wants to learn Paediatric emergency lifesaving skills. For more information and how you can support Brightest Star visit here: