Wallacetown Community Garden

Wallacetown Community Garden project

Colleagues from Amey South-West Trunk Roads have been working alongside VASA (Voluntary Action South Ayrshire) and the Scottish Violence Reduction Unit (SVRU). The SVRU use a public health approach to policing which focuses on prevention work. The SVRU’s officers work closely with communities supporting projects to improve wellbeing and safety. 

The first of these projects is Wallacetown Community Garden in Ayr that will be delivered in two phases. Phase one took place in October 2022, with six Amey operatives who spent one week relaying unseated slabs and creating a path to Newton Primary School. Phase two will be delivered over the coming months with the Amey team returning to do more work and make the area easier to maintain for the local gardening group, as well as making a space for the community to unite. This garden is a vital resource as it provides a communal green space for residents to enjoy as many in the area do not have a garden of their own. Many thanks to the operatives involved with this project, and we look forward to returning to the area. 

Inspector Jason Peter of the SVRU said: “Residents identified the garden area as a space where they can gather, connect with others and just pass time. The path is the first step in physically upgrading the garden area and supporting the wishes of the local gardening group who have been looking after this spot. 

“The path being upgraded and making a new connection is significant in terms of the wider work to make Wallacetown a place where people are safe, healthy and want to live.  We look forward to the next steps in the partnership with residents.”