Bat Week 2023

Bat Conservation Trust receive donation from Amey South-West Trunk Roads' Community Fund for Bat Week 2023.

Tuesday 24th October until Tuesday 31st October 2023 marks Bat Week, an international campaign designed to raise awareness about the need for bat conservation. Bats serve a vital role in nature and contribute to the biodiversity of our environment through pollination and as predators of nocturnal insects. 

To celebrate Bat Week, we donated £340 from our quarterly community fund to support the Bat Conservation Trust. The Bat Conservation Trust supports local bat groups across the UK, working with volunteers, scientists, industries, and the government on a variety of bat conservation projects. The Trust aims to learn more about bats and their habitats to better protect them, inspire the public to get involved, and strengthen the Trust’s work to build skills and resources.  

We support the Trust’s mission, and before we carry out any maintenance schemes along the South-West Trunk Road Network, we are obliged to carry out Protected Species surveys for animals such as bats to ensure we will not be disturbing or destroying any habitats over the course of our work. Sadly, four of the UK’s 17 breeding bat species are at risk of extinction. 

Kit Stoner, CEO of the Bat Conservation Trust said: “Your donation will enable us to continue to find effective ways to monitor and learn more about bat species, raise awareness of the needs of these species and produce guidance and advice. We are increasingly reliant on the generosity of our supporters, and so your donation makes a big difference. Every contribution helps to move us a step closer to achieve our vision of a world rich in wildlife where bats and people thrive together.  

On behalf of bats and the whole of the Bat Conservation Trust team, thank you once again for your vital contribution.” 

Each quarter, the Amey South-West Network Maintenance Contract allocates funds to support causes as nominated by our employees. 

Find how you can support Bat Week 2023 here